The email notice said someone had signed my web site's guest book. As I clicked on the mouse to view what had been written, I was reflecting on the events of the day. I am part of our Church's Jail Ministry team, and had just returned from a visit with the ladies at the County Jail. "I hope I go to hell." The words jumped out at me from the entry left in my guest book, and my heart skipped a beat. I felt an instant chill, as I viewed a mental picture of Satan, head thrown back, laughing with glee. I could visualize him gloatingly saying, "Gotcha". The subject I had chosen to speak on to the inmates today? "HELL!" As I followed the link to the visitor's web site I thought, "What kind of person would say they want to go to Hell?" I'm not sure what I expected to find on that site...Devil Worshippers? A Witches Coven? Maybe just some ignorant, belligerent, overgrown brat? I was surprised at the well designed site, and as I read the Bios of my visitor and his friends, I realized that what I had found was a group of talented, sensitive, creative, intelligent 16-18 year olds....who seemed to be filled with way too much hurt and anger for someone so young. Nick, Scott, and is not my intention to "push my beliefs" on you. I just want you to know that since reading your guest book entry, I think of you every day. That I truly wish good lives for you, filled with joy and gladness. That you have touched my heart, and l cannot help but pray that someone will touch yours in such a way that you will come to know Christ....personally and up-close. I
also hope that you will CLICK HERE to find out
what I believe about Hell, before you decide you want to go there.
It was only intended for the ladies in jail, but I have decided to put
it on-line. Who knows....perhaps it will benefit someone else who
is thinking....
HELL...Jail Ministry Message...PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU GO The following poem was written by Scott, and shared here with his permission.
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