We’ve talked about a lot of things since I’ve been visiting you. I’ve talked a lot about my own family, and how hard it has been watching them suffer the consequences of drug addiction and bad decisions. I don’t think that I’ve ever been here that I have not quoted what I consider to be the greatest truth in the Bible. John 3: 16. "For God so loved the world that He gave his only son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have ever lasting life." But there is something that I have never talked with you about, and that is the consequences of not accepting God’s love and his pardon of our sins.
I believe that we all will have a price to pay for the decisions we make. Hell will be the consequence of making another bad decision also. The decision NOT to accept and follow Jesus Christ. And each of us, at one time or another will have to make that decision. I do NOT believe in a "hell on earth", even though this life can sometimes be "hellish". I BELIEVE THAT HELL IS A PLACE, A LITERAL PLACE WHERE THE LOST WILL SPEND ETERNITY.
Some of you may say: "Well, if God is a God of "LOVE", and is a "JUST" God, then I don’t believe He’ll send ANYBODY to hell." ?? And your RIGHT; GOD does NOT send anybody to hell. In fact, according to those words I just read, hell was NOT created for man to start with; Hell was created for the Devil and his angels...But because God IS a just and loving God, He’ll not force you to love Him. He won’t force you to accept the eternal life that His Son died to give you. IF you go to Hell, it will be YOU that sends YOURSELF there. Yes, I believe there is a literal Hell. I believe it because Jesus taught it, The Apostles believed it, and the Bible teaches it. In fact, the Bible has more to say about Hell than it does Heaven, the Lord's Supper and Baptism all put together. I know that there are those who teach that there is no eternal hell;
I think that we sometimes have a tendency to think of hell as a place of death, but that isn’t true. Hell is a place of life. There will be NO ending it all. Suicide will not be an option. Begging, pleading or even believing will not be an escape.
Because hell is a place of unsatisfied passions, there’s no exit, its a place of endlessness. The desires of the lost sinners will be magnified and multiplied a million times. There is no satisfaction in Hell. There is another thing that you need to be aware of. You don’t have to be against God to go to hell. All you have to do is ignore him. It's like when we were back in high school. We didn't have to assault the teacher to fail a class, nor did we have to tear up the text book. Actually, all we had to do was nothing. If you did "nothing" in class, you more than likely would fail. The same is true with God. You don't have to assault Him or rip up the Bible to not make it to Heaven. Doing nothing (meaning, NOT ACCEPTING Jesus Christ) will do the job. My Bible says that if you have not accepted Christ as your Savior, you’re already under a sentence to Hell. In fact, Jesus said: "He that believeth NOT is condemned already." It’s only by His Grace that you haven’t already died and gone to Hell, only His Grace let your heart beat through last night and kept you from going to an eternal destruction in your sleep. Any person who does not know Jesus Christ as Savior, is already walking over the pit of hell on a "rotten covering" and there’s a lot of places where that covering won’t hold up your weight, and one of these days, unless you cling to Christ, you’re gonna go crashing through. There is only one good thing about Hell: YOU DON’T HAVE TO GO THERE....BUT YOU DO HAVE TO COME TO JESUS.
The Word of God is very clear: "Today is the day of salvation". Ladies, hear me today; if you’re unsaved will you say "no" and continue to face the fact that YOU are headed for this place called Hell? You don’t have to go there. You can receive eternal life right here and now, by just accepting the Lord. If you don’t, then one of these days, you WILL find out that He IS judge, and you WILL bow your knee before Him. You can make all the excuses you want to then, but it will be too late, and you will hear him say, "DEPART from me into everlasting fire --I NEVER KNEW YOU."
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