You are viewing a Thanksgiving poem from the seasonal branch of We hope you will enjoy your time spent here, and will also visit other branches of  WrensWorld City Nest, WrensWorld Harbor Nest, The Kids Nest, Wren's Proud To Be American Branch, Wren's free n easy greeting cards, and the Chapel in WrensWorld all contain many inspirational poems, stories, seasonal and holiday poems for Thanksgiving, Christmas, patriotic poems, Java applets, Christian content, jokes, and games.

Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of good friends and family.
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Gathered all for Blessings
Upon us for this day
Love with joy to follow
As heads bow down to pray

Lord we are so grateful
For family and our friends
Remembering our yesterdays
The loving that now blends

Joined in joy and pleasure
On this special day
Friends and family gather
Blessings come our way

Wishing you God's Blessing
On this special day
Gathered all in joyfulness
May bounty come your way

Peace and love to follow
Wherever you may go
Bounty of God's earth now
Touched with special glow.

~ Francine Pucillo©2001 ~

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