The Kid's Adventure into Wren's World of Inspiration and Opportunity,where a world of poems,inspirational stories,java applets,humor,jokes, and games awaits you. Branch many answers do YOU know?

These M&M kids seem to think these jokes are funny. But then, how smart can an M&M be?
(Click on arrow to show answer in drop down box)

I can sizzle like bacon,
I am made with an egg,
I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg,
I peel layers like onions, but still remain whole,
I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole,
What am I?

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April showers bring May flowers, what do may flowers bring?
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Why did the fairy throw the clock out the window?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


Why did the chicken cross the road?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


Why did the three wise men wear fire hats? (southern joke)
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


Why did 5 and 6 run?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


What do horses have that no other animals have?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


What happen when the kid ate a roll of film?
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What happened when the teenager ate 12 hot dogs?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


Why couldn't the troll cross the bridge?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


Where do cats like to go on vacation?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


What did the cowboy say when his dog left?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


What falls all day but never gets hurt?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


What do you call a woman with a river on her head?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


What is that selfish girl's name?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


Why did the boy become a baker?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


Why did the parents name their daughter Sugar?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


Why did the student take a parachute to school?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


What is the tallest building in Macon, Georgia?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


Why did the boy stand on a ladder when he sang a song?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


Why is a baby like an old car?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


How did the man feel when he got a huge electric bill?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


What do you get if you cross an insect with a rabbit?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


What has 2 heads, 4 eyes, 6 legs, and a tail?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


Where do fish keep their money?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.


What do people sing in their baths?
Click on the arrow for the answer to the riddle.

There are two types of fairy tales in America: Northern fairy

 tales and Southern fairy tales. The difference between the two is how they start. 

Northern fairy tales start "Once upon a time...". 
Southern fairy tales start "Y'all ain't gonna believe this..."



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Thanks for stopping in at the Kid's Branch of Wren's WorldBe sure to check out other fun stuff from the Kid's Branch Home Page.If you have a joke or riddle to share, send it to us...just click on the email link below.Hope you enjoyed your visit.Ya'll come back now.


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"Baby Elephant Walk"