Wren's World You are viewing "Thank You, God, For Everything"...a Thanksgiving poem by Helen Steiner Rice in the seasonal branch of Wren's World.  We hope you enjoy this page, and will visit other pages and Branches of Wren's World.  Wren's Harbor Nest, the City Nest, The Chapel in Wren's World, the Kid's Branch, Wren's Proud To Be American and Wren's Free and EZ Heavenly Greeting cards all contain many inspirational poems and stories, Java applets, patriotic and Christian content, jokes, games and greeting cards for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Veterans Day and other major holidays. Of Inspiration


An Angel of Thanks Giving. May you have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Thank you, God, for everything...

Thanksgiving Angel

This Helen Steiner Rice poem has been removed at the request of
The Helen Steiner Rice Foundation.

Please accept our apology for this inconvenience to you.
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<BGSOUND SRC="midi/thankulordmed.mid" LOOP="10">

"Thank You, Lord Medley"
Sequencer:  Unknown


Thank you, Penny, for the use of your lovely graphics.
(With the exception of Title Graphics and Page Divider Bar)

Title Graphics and Page Divider Bar