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Beauty Among The Thorns (Title graphic)

Deer pictures are the photography of Moon and Back graphics.

Gentle gift of nature
With heart of love that's pure
Spectacle of beauty
That fills the heart with awe

Snow is gently falling
In quiet all around
Pausing for mere seconds
See life's nature crowned

Rapture in a moment
That never fades away
Glory of this sacredness
Is captured on this day

Heart feels such emotion
With such a gentle stare
Life within this second
Seems to have repair

Nature's gift so perfect
As snow now covers earth
God is in His Heaven
On earth we shall rejoice

For all that He Has given
Will take our breath away
If only for a moment
We found such peace today.

~Francine Pucillo©2002 ~

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<BGSOUND SRC="midi/godislove.mid" LOOP="10">

"God Is Love"
Sequencer Unknown

